Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tooth Fairy

I had a really nice long blog prepared, or I was preparing a nice one but I grew weary of checking that all my fact were indeed correct. Its now the 3rd or forth blog stuck in the "Save Now" section of my blog.

Ya know, when I started this blog I had lots of interesting things to say and think about but now I find I am happy merely sitting in my chair in the living room and staring endlessly at my toes. (They are painted silver) I am hoping it is just a phase but you never know with me. I am currently in my chair pretending that my jaw doesn't hurt. I got a wisdom tooth pulled and it was a "doozy" as my nutty dentist kept saying. I can feel my eye twitching.

Oh, yes, I was brave for about ten minutes regarding changing my life. Being brave is kinda easy, I find that I not afraid of being brave, I am just lazy. Hence, the chair sitting.

Tomorrow I am off to Nashville for a meeting. I am not really sure what the meeting is about but it was a plane ride somewhere and I have just been sitting in my chair so I figured I should go. I am now kinda worried because I am recalling a message left by the person wanting me to go and I think he said something about talking about my persepective on something...I'd call him but I think he is in New York. Whatever, as long as I am out of the chair.

I think the tooth drugs have kicked in...

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Cat Scratch Fever

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